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Tabraiz Feham's Blog

Friday, September 24, 2004

President Pervez Musharraf's Speech in UN General Assembly - Comments from Tabraiz Feham

Yesterday the President's speech in General Assembly was very thoughtful and a factual one. President dared to speak blatantly about all the heinous issues that are being faced by the muslim world today. He pointed out that if the trend continues West and Muslim world would get completely aparted. As according to his own words

"Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf warned an "iron curtain" was falling between the Islamic world and the West as Muslims feel they are getting no justice in international disputes."

Quoted from ChannelAsiaNews.com

The president pointed out all the dispute that are the root cause of international terrorism. such as Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan including Kashmir. If world has to come any closure to peace then these issues must be resolved in an unprejudiced manner. Wars and invades because of potential threats are definitely not the solution to the problem but would just emblaze the sitaution a bit more.

Hope that both west and muslim world realize the intriguity of the situation and the World becomes a place of peace and tranquil.

M Tabraiz Feham


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